I'm not precious about the nut flour used - bleached, unbleached, hazelnut, walnut... It all works! I think the current bag I'm using is bleached almond flour, but when I grind my own, I don't bother bleaching.
I cut out grains, sugar and starches at the beginning of 2009. I have been keeping a journal as I have progressively shed my bulges and my processed foods. I am aiming to live a clean, primal lifestyle, and I wish to share my eating habits with those who wish to clean up their lifestyle and live happily and healthfully. As the cliche states - if I can do it, so can everybody else.
I am really enjoying your blog. I think Caveman Lasagna is a perfect name! Yum!
The lasagna looks great! :) Do you use bleached (blanched? is that the right word?) almond flour for the pancakes?
Thanks guys!
I'm not precious about the nut flour used - bleached, unbleached, hazelnut, walnut... It all works! I think the current bag I'm using is bleached almond flour, but when I grind my own, I don't bother bleaching.
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