It started well - I scored a bit of a sleep-in, and the combination of an early dinner yesterday and a late breakfast today meant that my plateful of porchetta (yum!) broke a nineteen hour fast.

A couple of hours later, I finished off the last of last week's bacon.
Then I went back to bed at noon. That's right, noon. Why? Because I was drowsy and feeling a bit of a sore throat coming on. I really don't want to get sick - the year is winding down and work is so laid back, so I don't want to blow a sick day right now!
After snoozing off and on for a few delicious hours, I awoke with a bit of a sinus issue, so made an ultra-eggy almond pancake with a few blueberries, a little 100% cacao, and a dollop of whipped cream. Perfection!
The pancake kept me sated for a while, but my body was demanding more fat. I had some asparagus in the fridge that was also on its last legs, and since it's one of the only veggies from the weekly delivery that the guinea pigs won't touch, I figured it would do, so I sautéed it up in a hefty amount of organic butter. Oh my...
Meanwhile, I defrosted some lamb chops, and as the final food for the day, I grilled it up and scoffed it by hand. Now that's primal!
Apart from giving my body extra rest and consuming extra energy to help fight off these first signs of a cold, I took a super-dose of Vitamin D to boost my immune system. This is the first time I've had to apply 'primal medicine' - let's hope it works!
I won't be caught without thawed meat in the fridge again any time soon either - I have breakfast thawing as we speak: scotch fillet steak!
OH, and I nearly forgot to mention - after yesterday's pig-out/in, what was I greeted with when I hopped on the scale this morning? A full pound loss. I never say this, but... Boo-yeah.
Hi Jez,
Just wondering what your Vitamin D supplement of choice is. Do you take a local brand or get something from OS? I've seen only a couple of local brands in the vitamin shops, but I'm also eyeing off those Carlson's Vitamin D Drops. They look pretty neat.
I've seen that many of these gel caps are made with crappy oils like Soya oil. I'm not too keen on taking those (rancid O-6's), but then again not sure if there is any alternative to get the benefits of Vitamin D supplementation.
So, ravenous eh? This is normal? Because the last two days I am eating like two hours...doing everything possible to keep it primal.
Hey Schmaltzy,
I ship in my Vitamin D via iHerb, and my brand of choice is Healthy Origins -
They use olive oil, very clean. NOW Foods is the same, but Healthy Origins sells bigger packages.
Er, normal? No. As I hope is clear in my post, I'm coming down with a cold. So my body was demanding extra fuel. I'm rarely hungry at all - sometimes I wake up really hungry, and I tend to be hungry by 5pm if I skip lunch. But unending hunger is something of the past, and an indicator that something is wrong. I'm usually very sated by my meal - even my little protein shakes during the Six-Week Cure kept me sated for a good couple of hours.
As is no surprise though, I'm anything but hungry today! I ate about three times as many calories as I usually do, so breakfast was not in the least appealing! I've brought along a bottle of protein shake in case I need to refuel before the end of the working day...
How big are your meals that you find yourself wanting to eat every two hours? (if that's what you comment meant...) I usually eat 500-700kcal twice per day, and it's plenty. I add a bit more fat (bacon) if it's not. Mmmmm, bacon... And yet, I'm still not hungry! :D
Maybe I need to up the fat, I am 21 days in so I expect some changes. This week I think I'll do more eggs. Thanks for the response, it's good to have a "master" who is actively engaged.
Haha, a master? I'm only just becoming an expert in the way my own body works!
Do you track your intake and macros? I'd check whether you're getting at least 50-60% of your calories from fat, that's a good standard.
Congrats on your three week-iversary!
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