...until 7pm.
Breakfast - lamb chops!

Dinner - beef mince and bacon

Good, eh?
Well, as ladies will attest, there's one day in every month where you either want to inhale copious amounts of pain killers, or you turn to the more natural form of hormonal balancing substance - chocolate. And guess who had Primal Choc-Berry Pie in her fridge?
Let's try again tomorrow. :)
Actually, tomorrow I hit my 9 month pure ZC mark. Nothing else appeals to me, even during TOM. I am eating 100% raw 80/20 ground beef right now. It is so satiating. I look forward to my one big raw GB meal each night and never tire of it. It is great energy for working out, too. I wish you good ZC luck.
If the worst you did was choco-berry pie, you're a goddess.
Thanks girls!
It was a choice between eating a bit of pie for the cacao, or being an absolute miserable bitch to everyone around me. Given the lack of digestive ramifications today, and the much better mood stability, I still stand by my choice, even if it doesn't help my fat loss. :)
I have calorie-compensated today - I'm fasting until dinner. It's my work Xmas dinner party, so there won't be anything primal except the meat I have requested, so zero temptation. I'm not in the least bit tempted by non-primal foods, so that's very helpful! And my leptin-boost eating plan over the past few days hasn't left me with any carb cravings - doubly helpful!
Raw meat, eh? I can do a good organic, grass-fed steak raw, but ground meat has been through questionable machinery and handling, so I always cook it. I guess if you grind your own then it wouldn't carry the same question-marks...
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